Design and Technology
Design and Technology
At Lipson Vale Primary School we believe that Design Technology plays an important part in developing problem-solving skills, evaluative thinking and a resilient approach to learning. It allows children to become both creative and reflective learners.
The Design Technology curriculum is comprised of five Key Knowledge Areas:
• Food and Nutrition
• Design
• Make
• Evaluate
• Technical Knowledge
Food and Nutrition
Food and Nutrition is taught within each year group. In KS1, learners are encouraged to taste, experience and prepare a range of healthy foods. Within KS2, the children design and prepare a wider range of dishes, with a focus on savoury options and seasonality
At the start of each unit of learning, the children revisit Health and Safety expectations for food preparation. The teaching of new skills is modelled, guided and overseen by the teacher/teaching staff. It is important that the children are given opportunities to use equipment with some independence to allow for purposeful experiences and progression of skills
We have formed links with the Lipson Co-operative Academy, which allows opportunities for the children to visit and use the Food Technology equipment and resources that they have available.
Design, Make and Evaluate
Designing, making and evaluating are key skills within Design Technology. As part of the design process, the children are given opportunities to explore and discuss real-life products, so that they can consider the skills and techniques that have been used for their own planning processes. Product research plays a vital role in ensuring that the children can design a product that is fit for purpose and that meets the consumer needs.
Before the making stage, the children are given opportunities to learn and practise a range of practical skills. These skills and experiences then form a part of the design and planning process, in which the children are encouraged to make reflective and evaluative design choices for their product. As the children progress into upper KS2, they will have the opportunity to use CAD (Computer Aided Design) programmes for their planning and designing processes.
During the making process, the children make, evaluate and develop prototypes, in order to ensure that they work towards an improved final product. Some units of Design Technology focus on the development of prototypes instead of a finished, finalised product.
Technical Knowledge
Technical Knowledge is separated into the following units of learning:
• Materials and Structures
• Mechanisms
• Textiles
• Electrical Systems (KS2)
Each unit of learning is taught within KS1, Lower KS2 and Upper KS2. Some units is learning stand-alone within a Design Technology project, where others feature multiple elements of Technical Knowledge.
Click here for the Design and Technology knowledge progression document