
There are so many good things available to you online but it is important to know how to use the internet safely.
Sometimes we hear stories about bad things that have happened on the internet and it can make us feel uneasy about going online. However, if you follow a few simple rules, you can safely make the most of online games, learning or keeping up with family and friends.
There is a lot of information out there about how to stay safe online, so we've collected some of the most useful bits and put them all into one simple web page to save you spending hours getting confused! You're welcome.

The SMART rules should be your go-to source of information on internet safety (known as e-safety).
They have been put together by a brilliant organisation called Childnet. You will probably recognise the SMART rules from the posters we have up all over school.
Three things to do with the SMART rules:
Read them now, whilst you're here.
Print them off and keep them somewhere useful like next to your console or family PC.
Make sure your adults know about them too.

Parent Guidance
There are a plethora of different websites out there offering advice on how to keep your children safe online, so we've included a few links to sites we are happy to vouch for to save you the stress of working out what is and isn't reliable information.
These organisations either specialise in the area of e-safety or have departments of their company who do, so we would rather direct you straight to them than provide all the information on the school website.
If you have any concerns about e-safety, either at school or at home, please don't hesitate to come into school and speak to us about them.