At LVPS, we believe reading is everything. It underpins all other areas of the curriculum and becoming a competent reader is proven to increase opportunities later in life. And on top of that, it's great fun too!
In Foundation and Key Stage 1, we use a high quality, systematic, synthetic phonics programme called Read Write Inc, which has a track record of effectiveness because of its rigour and comprehensiveness. Children are taught consistently to use phonics as the route to reading unknown words. More information can be found in the documents below and by visiting our Early Reading page.
In Key Stage 2, our pupils continue to be taught to read using 'VIPERS' as a vehicle. Whole class reading sessions take place throughout the week and in these pupils are explicitly taught how to apply the VIPERS skills to access and understand a wide range of texts.
In addition to this, pupils who have completed the 'Read Write Inc' programme access Accelerated Reader. Through this pupils select books to read from a wide range within their 'ZPD' (Zone of proximal development). If you would like more information on this, please click here or speak to your child's teacher.
​Click here to view our full English curriculum plan.